Fasciae are found everywhere in the human body, at every level, just beneath the surface and at its deepest core, enabling rapid survival responses, protecting and permitting most vital functions to happen. They are responsible to make the body work as a whole and not just as an assembly of parts, they are the binding agent, and as such transport the information and are the depository of all the knowledge. In medicine they are credited for their malfunctions, when the visceral ones get inflammed – peritonitis, meningitis, pleurisy – or when deep ones get broken as in torn ligaments, but rarely for their fundamental and general ceaseless accomplishments, which goes unappreciated.
I believe that fasciae are present outside the human body as well, every where in the outer physical world actually. This is how the world is interconnected, through a thin veil of energy forming a tissue of information around all beings and things, from and to beings and things like a dense network of communication higways. There is no unoccupied space, fascias fill the void, there are the channels of interactions and what allows ideas to flow freely, and with causality, around and pass from matter to matter, from one side of the globe to the other. They comply to the law of energy conservation, and I would venture to say that the fasciae is where energy is stored. Since this structural system of tissue exists, it is visible, certainly not to the naked eye and physicists have or build the proper instruments to measure or model these flows. The camera is an apparatus enabled with shifting the perception of time in relation to space – it can freeze time, which the naked eye can't – therefore it allows to make representation of matter in flux. It is not a simple task to figure out how to best capture the manifestations of the existence of these fasciae. It is necessary not to point the camera directly at an object but to focus on the space surrounding the object, where the fasciae are, to photograph the space in between things, the viscosity of the air surrounding things, light and particles. To begin with, trains are a great metaphor as carriers of information, they transport through space at speed both matter and information, i.e. ideas, so this is where i am currently looking. Window panes are also intersting in the way they refocus or screen parts of the information. And extreme light conditions which forces the camera to capture uncertainty.